Am I Responsible for My Deceased Parent’s Debt?
In short, NO you are not responsible for your deceased parent’s debts, but in most cases their debts must be paid using... Read More
Do I have to share custody of my young child with my ex in Nevada?
The short answer, yes. Nevada prefers to award Joint Physical Custody. This means that Nevada believes it is in the best interest... Read More
Las Vegas Family Lawyers – Free Consultation
Our Las Vegas Family Lawyers offer Free Consultations! If you are interested in retaining an attorney to represent you in your divorce... Read More
5 Mistakes To Avoid In A Custody Case
Custody cases are complex. Here are 5 mistakes to avoid in a custody case. Withholding your child(ren) from the other parent. Absent... Read More
How Does a Parent Lose His/Her Rights?
Often referred to as the "civil death penalty," termination of parental rights is taken very seriously.
How is Child Support Calculated in Nevada?
Attorney Courtney Devine discusses how child support is calculated in Nevada. It includes the updated calculations from 2020. Need help? Call Sierra West Law Firm at 702-848-3000.
How Do I Establish Paternity in Nevada?
How do you prove someone is the father of your baby in Nevada? There are a few routes to establishing paternity in... Read More